Reaching out is a big first step and it takes huge courage.
We are a friendly, approachable, professionally trained team who will listen to you, believe you and support you.
Our service is free and confidential and we offer you practical help and ongoing emotional advice and support.

You can talk to us on the phone, via email and face to face in a safe location.
If you do not fully speak or understand English or are supporting someone who does not, we have access to an instant translation service so we can help you as soon as you contact us.
Call us: 01483 898884 (Monday to Friday 9am-4pm)
Email us: swr@swsda.org.uk
In an emergency always call 999

Rural life and Domestic Abuse
Guildford and Waverley Boroughs have a significant rural population.
Did you know?
- Rural victims are half as likely to report abuse to others
- Rural victims’ abuse goes on significantly longer
- Rural victims cannot readily access support services
- Rural victims are often isolated, unsupported and unprotected in a rural hell which is purposefully ‘normalised’
Source: National Rural Crime Network ‘Captive & Controlled’ 2019
Call us for help and support.